Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Brew #76: Abita TurboDog clone
He came back with a taste for it and I was looking for something new to
brew. I've had it in the primary long enough that I think it has already
clarified as well. I think I'll make room and get it in a keg right away.
This went straight from primary fermenter (plastic bucket) into the keg. It sat five weeks and I hope that is short enough that any off flavors from the yeast aren't detracting from the beer.
Brewed: 12-02-2007
Kegged: 01-10-2008
Brew #75: Bavarian Doppelbock
Now it's in a keg. Warm and flat, it has a nice malty character, good flavor. It's a bit boozy though, you can tell it's got a bit of alcohol in it. Off to the fridge to see how the taste changes when it gets cold and carbonated.
It's nice and sweet with a touch of bitter from the darker malts. I can still taste that it has a good bit of alcohol. I still think it might get better with a bit mroe age, but I happen to like it enough that it may not get the chance to age.
Brewed: 11-17-2007
Racked: 11-30-2007
Kegged: 01-27-2008
Brew #74: Double Chocolate Stout
I tried my plan of melting the chocolate and refrigerating it. Oils didn't separate like I wanted. Maybe I didn't put enough liquid in. Oh well, I liked the last one, so I went ahead with kegging it. I took some to the ZEALOTS meeting on the 10th and the raspberry was still potent. I drew off the one growler and then switched it over to beergas.
At a party on the 15th, the pour was giving a nice thick head, but it would dissipate quickly. Those darned oils. After drinking it, your glass would be lined with chocolate residue. It's still a fun beer.
Brewed: 11-06-2007
Racked: 11-30-2007
Kegged: 02-08-2008
Brew #73: Ahtanum Pale Ale
Brewed: 10-26-2007
Racked: 11-06-2007 (dry-hopped w/1 oz. Ahtanum)
Kegged: 02-14-2008
Brew #72: White Oak Porter #2
Instead of the 3 week soak with the oak chips, I've gone 6 1/2 weeks. BIG DIFFERENCE. This batch tastes like wood. Pure wood. No porter flavor is coming through, it's just wood. I mentioned it to one of the ZEALOTS, they had the opinion that the wood flavor will lessen over time and suggested that I wait a year. I may try to see if I can blend this with another beer and find someway of making it taste worthwhile.
Brewed: 10-14-2007
Racked: 10-26-2007
Kegged: 12-11-2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Brew #71: AHS Our Special Holiday Ale
The first batch was better when it was warm and flat. This one tasted just a bit more bitter right off. Maybe a bit more age will round that out. This one will be served at a holiday party on Dec. 15.
Brewed: 10-07-2007
Racked: 10-24-2007
Kegged: 11-17-2007
VACATION! Sept 14-29, 2007
Picked it up with 3 miles on the odometer. I went from Munich up to Copenhagen, then down to Stuttgart, over to Nurnberg, dropped off the car near Munich with 2012 miles on it then hit Oktoberfest and flew home. Not bad for 9 days.
I didn't have much for beer adventures on the trip. I had a very nice Andechs Dunkel Doppelbock in Munich, a "Potsdamer" by Rendsberg on the northern border (it's the local Pils with some raspberry flavoring added), then pretty much just local Pils or Dunkels. I got a liter of the Augustiner at Oktoberfest. Fun times!
Now I wait for my car to get shipped. I have to wait 6 weeks since I dropped it off and all I have is the souvenir front plate and one of the keys to show that I own a car.
Happily, all of my beer pulled through my two week absence. I've carbonated the Holiday Spiced Ale and taken it to a small party. One woman said it was the best beer she ever had. I happen to think that it has aged well enough to mellow out some of the spices and it is very drinkable. Good enough that I'd better make another batch if I want to have some through Christmas.
Brew #70: Summit IPA
Brewed: 08-14-2007
Racked: 09-13-2007
Kegged: 11-17-2007
Brew #69: Double Chocolate Stout
I did buy an 80 cubic foot tank for the beergas. It requires a high pressure (25-30 psi) and a restrictor faucet. Still working on getting the pressure right. Lately, I get pure foam. You get to watch the cascade for a while before you drink.
Brewed: 09-04-2007
Racked: 09-11-2007
Kegged: 10-18-2007
Brew #68: Ayinger EDtoberfest
Update: It's got that malty taste, just not quite as much as the original. The flavor may still come out better with a bit more carbonation.
Brewed: 08-22-2007
Racked: 08-30-2007
Kegged: 10-08-2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I also racked the Scotch Ale. I've drawn some off to share a taste with Ronnie and friends. It is still higher gravity than what the recipe calls for. I'm hoping that the yeasties will still do some work. Very sweet and the peat flavor is coming through big time.
My friend Bryan and I have plans to keg up a Chocolate Stout on Tuesday. We'll split the batch in half and do interesting things to them. I'd like to see if I can make a Marzipan Stout, one that reminds me of Ritter Sport Marzipan. Instead of a double chocolate, we were thinking of a triple or quadruple chocolate. Time will tell.
Plans: Next batch has to be an Ayinger Oktoberfest-Marzen clone. I don't lager, and I wonder how it will do as an ale. I have to move things through the pipeline though. An ESB is in one of my primaries, I've got my Red, the Scotch Ale, a Holiday Spiced Ale, Dave's Porter, and the Chocolate Stout taking up my secondaries. My fridge has a Peach Ale, Belgian Summer Saison, White Oak Porter, Psychedelic Monk, Super Puppy Pale, and Root Beer filling it up, and I have two empty kegs. The Peach Ale felt rather light, the root beer too. I'd bet the Porter and Saison are only half full. It will be time to bottle soon to clear out some space.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Brew #67: Extra Crystal Bitter
Update: Got this one in the keg with Crystal Leaf hops in a muslin bag weighted with marbles. It is carbonated and the Crystal Hops are mellow enough that the balance is still good. I can still get a taste of the malt. It's a flavor that doesn't stand out. Instead it goes down mellow.
Brewed: 08-14-2007
Racked: 08-21-2007
Kegged: 09-09-2007 (kegged with 1/2 oz. Crystal Leaf hops.)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Brew #66: Scotch Ale
Update: I was expecting BIG things from this, like a fermentation that would blow the top. I rigged up a blow-off tube into a quart bucket half full of water and everything. The fermentation was a constant bloop-bloop-bloop for a couple days and then settled down. Nothing huge though. It is looking rackable only 4 days later. I'll still wait out the week. I'll draw a bit off and let Ronnie try a taste over the weekend.
Brewed: 08-10-2007
Racked: 08-17-2007
Kegged: TBD
Monday, August 6, 2007
Brew #65: Spiced Holiday Ale
Update: Took a look on the 10th, there was still foam on the beer. Not ready for racking yet. I'll wait another few days.
Brewed: 08-03-2007
Racked: 08-12-2007
Kegged: TBD
Friday, July 27, 2007
20070727: Thoughts
While the boil was going, I was able to rack my second Red #4 to make room in a primary. I always siphon a taste off. Dave said that it was very hoppy. I enjoyed it because the Saaz hops are exactly the flavor I'm going for. The Red gets dry hopped with Saaz Auscha hops for a couple/three weeks. I may rack again to try to filter off the hops and then finally to keg.
We also took the time to keg my third batch of a Belgian Summer Saison in 5 months. I was smiling. The flavor seems as good as my last batch. This one was racked after spending only two weeks in secondary. It seems to have clarified enough, though hard to tell, since it is meant to be still a bit cloudy. The flavor is all there and that is what really counts.
While we were at it, I was curious to see how my White Oak Porter was coming around. I siphoned off a taste for Dave and myself. Definite vanilla oaky aromas and I could taste them as a more subtle flavor in the beer. Makes me proud to think that my goal when I made it will turn out as planned.
This 8 keg beer geek only has 4 empty kegs now with 5 brews in the pipeline. Sweet!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Brew #64: Ed's Red #4 again.
Brewed: 07-23-2007
Racked: 07-27-2007 (w/ 1 oz. Saaz Auscha)
Racked: 08-17-2007
Kegged: TBD
Brew #63: Flying Dog Pale Ale clone
Update: Kegged it straight from the dry-hopped secondary. There are going to be a few Cascades floating around in this beer. Maybe I can get them to settle out in the first few weeks. It's got the right balance that I can enjoy drinking a glass while it is warm and flat. I may have it ready to drink by the weekend.
Brewed: 07-22-2007
Racked: 08-01-2007 (dry hopped w/ 1 oz. Cascades)
Kegged: 08-15-2007
Brew #62: Double Chocolate Stout
Brewed: 07-13-2007
Racked: 07-23-2007
Kegged: TBD
Brew #61: Belgian Summer Saison
Update on 20070727: This brew just kegged and the taste that I got from the stuff used to measure final gravity has all the flavor of my last batch. I might as well get the next batch going. This one may not last through August. This will be carbonated and ready for prime time in a week, and that is still under a month. Funny to think that 10 gals. of beer in my refrigerators doesn't seem like enough.
Brewed: 07-08-2007
Racked: 07-13-2007
Kegged: 07-27-2007
Brew #60: ED's White Oak Porter
Update: The airlock was still pretty busy. Secondary fermentation was in full swing. I'm getting impatient to have new flavors of beer, so I stuck this in the fridge to crash the yeast and make it go dormant. 08-05-2007.
Update: Nice and cold and racked into a keg. The wood chips are coarse enough that they won't transfer. The beer gave more vanilla type aromas when it was room temperature. Cold and flat, the roasted oak flavor is coming through. Not as much of the vanilla notes as I had hoped, but I'll wait until full carbonation until I give a final verdict. Still, the flavor is interesting. I call it a winner. 08-06-2007.
Brewed: 07-07-2007
Racked: 07-13-2007 (w/ oak chips)
Kegged: 08-06-2007
Brew #59: Simcoe Pale Ale
Brewed: 06-17-2007
Racked: 06-27-2007
Kegged: 07-10-2007
Brew #58: Peach Ale
Brewed: 05-03-2007
Racked: 05-20-2007
Kegged: 06-17-2007
Brew #57: Summer Saison Belgian Ale
Brewed: 05-10-2007
Racked: 05-14-2007
Kegged: 06-17-2007
Brew #56: Fuller's ESB clone + Simcoe
Brewed: 05-07-2007
Racked: 05-14-2007 (w/ 1 ounce Simcoe)
Racked: 05-27-2007
Kegged: 06-27-2007
Brew #55: Delirium Tremens clone
Brewed: 04-23-2007
Racked: 05-07-2007
Kegged: 05-19-2007
Brew #54: Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale clone
Brewed: 04-15-2007
Racked: 04-23-2007
Kegged: 05-07-2007
Brew #53: Summer Saison Belgian Ale
Brewed: 04-06-2007
Racked: 04-13-2007
Kegged: 05-02-2007
Brew #52: Ed's Red #4
Brewed: 03-31-2007
Racked: 04-06-2007 (w/ 2 oz. Auscha Saaz)
Racked: 04-23-2007
Kegged: 07-07-2007
Brew #51: Arrogant Bastard clone
Brewed: 03-11-2007
Racked: 03-24-2007
Kegged: 05-02-2007
Brew #50: Pilsner Urquell clone
Brewed: 02-20-2007
Racked: 02-24-2007
Kegged: 03-21-2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Brew #49: ED's Extra Simcoe Bitter
Brewed: 02-12-2007
Racked: 02-19-2007
Hopped: 02-24-2007 (Inspired to hop 1 ounce Simcoe)
Racked: 03-03-2007
Kegged: 04-10-2007
Brew #48: Ahtanum Pale Ale
Brewed: 01-29-2007
Racked: 02-06-2007
Kegged: 03-21-2007
Brew #47: Delirium Tremens clone
Brewed: 01-07-2007
Racked: 01-26-2007
Kegged: 02-13-2007
Brew #46: Double Chocolate Stout
Brewed: 12-17-2006
Racked: 12-22-2006
Kegged: 02-06-2007
Brew #45: Ed's Red #3
Brewed: 12-13-2006
Racked: 12-22-2006
Kegged: 01-26-2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Brew #44: Ahtanum Pale Ale
Brewed: 11-03-2006
Racked: 11-17-2006
Kegged: 01-13-2007
Brew #43: Frambozen Raspberry Brown
Brewed: 10-22-2006
Racked: 11-02-2006
Kegged: 11-29-2006
Brew #42: Extra Special Bitter
Brewed: 09-24-2006
Racked: 09-29-2006
Kegged: 10-24-2006 (w/ 2 oz. Kent Golding Leaf)
ABV= let's approximate 5.7%
Brew #41: Ed's Red #2
Brewed: 09-16-2006
Racked: 09-21-2006 (dry-hopped w/ 1oz. Trschitz)
Kegged: 11-03-2006 (w/ 2 oz. Saaz leaf)
Brew #40: Warrior Pale Ale
Brewed: 09-09-2006
Racked: 09-21-2006
Kegged: 10-01-2006
Brew #39: Ed's Red #1
Brewed: 07-22-2006
Racked: 07-30-2006 (w/ 1 oz. Trschitz Saaz dry-hopped)
Racked: 08-25-2006
Kegged: 09-14-2006
Brew #38: Extra Special Bitter
Brewed: 07-09-2001
Racked: ?
Kegged: ?
Brew #37: Belgian White Beer
Brewed: 07-01-2006
Racked: 07-09-2006
Kegged: 07-30-2006
Brew #36: Anchor Steam Beer clone
Brewed: 06-30-2006
Racked: 07-09-2006
Kegged: 08-25-2006
Brew #35: Full Sail Amber Ale clone
Brewed: 12-09-2005
Racked: ?
Kegged: ?
Brew #34: Oktoberfest/Marzen - Mini Mash
Brewed: 09-14-2005
Racked: 09-21-2005
Kegged: 10-12-2005
Brew #33: West Coast Pale Ale
Brewed: 01-27-2005
Racked: 02-14-2005
Kegged: ?
Brew #32: California Common Beer
Brewed: 07-04-2003
Racked: ?
Kegged: ?
Brew #31: Irish Red Ale
Brewed: 07-30-2002
Racked: 08-07-2002
Kegged: 07-04-2003
Monday, July 23, 2007
Brew #30: Bigfoot Barley Wine
Brewed: 11-10-2001
Racked: 07-04-2003
Kegged: 10-13-2004
Brew #28: Czech Pilsner
Brewed: 07-28-2001
Racked: 08-06-2001
Kegged: 10-15-2001
Brew #27: Chimay Red
Brewed: 09-15-2001
Racked: ?
Kegged: ?
Brew #26: West Coast Pale Ale
Brewed: 03-26-2001
Racked: 05-14-2001
Kegged: 08-17-2001
Brew #25: Hazelnut Brown Ale
Brewed: 02-12-2001
Racked: ?
Kegged: ?
Brew #24: English Pale Ale
Brewed: 01-22-2001
Racked: 02-01-2001
Kegged: 06-03-2001
Brew #23: California Common Beer
Brewed: 11-05-2000Racked: 11-12-2000Kegged: 01-30-2001
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Brew #22: Pomegranate Wine
10 Pomegranates
1/2 lb. barley
2 1/4 lb. sugar
2 tsp. citric acid
1 gallon water
yeast and nutrient
We went for 5 gals. of the stuff and had:
48 Pomegranates peeled and put through a blender on chop. Yielded ~3 gals. fruit.
Then 2 gallons filtered water with 2 lbs. barley boiled and simmered for 9.5 minutes (should have been 5 mins. Oops) added to must and cooled to 85F. Added 9 lbs. sugar + 8 tsp. citric acid + 5 tsp. yeast nutrient + topped off with water to 5 1/2 gallon mark.
Made: 10-15-2000
Strained and racked: 10-24-2000
Racked: 1-27-2001
Bottled: 8-10-2001
OG = 1.110@85F
FG = 0.991@45F
I have one quote stating "tastes like a cheap Zinfandel". Later this has decent taste and finish, but the nose is very strong - you imagine taking a sip of Everclear, but the taste is smooth. Rate it a "OK if desperate" wine, and drink for the novelty.
Brew #20: Czech Pilsner
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Brew #18: American Amber Ale
Monday, April 16, 2007
Brew #17: Califonia Common Beer
Brewed 7-19-2000
1st rack: 8-13-2000
2nd rack: 9-25-2000
OG = 1.048@75F
No track of keg date nor of FG.
Brew #16: IPA - British
1st Rack 6-13-2000
I have the OG at 1.050@85F. It was less than the expected 1.060.
I didn't write down the kegging time nor the final gravity. I don't remember this beer, so it must not have been remarkably good or bad. I do have a note that my AC went out 6-11 to 6-14 and that I bought ice to save the beer.
Brew #15: Barley Wine American
Brewed 5-18-2000
1st Rack 5-23-2000
2nd Rack 8-18-2000
3rd Rack 12-12-2000
Kegged 8-6-2001
Before I got into brewing beer, people at the company I worked for would gather on Wednesday nights at the Gingerman in downtown Austin. This is one of those places that has an amazing selection of beers - like 110 on draft and another 50 in bottles. I tried to get something new every time I attended. One beer afficianado recommended mixing Foghorn with Sierra Nevada. The drink is called a "Foggy night in the Sierras". It blends the sweet of the barleywine with the extra hoppy goodness of a Sierra Nevada and makes a pleasant quaff. That is at least one of the inspirations for attempting this recipe.
I told my mentor that I brewed a barleywine. Pug said, "One year" and described that the higher alcohol beers must age a bit before they are smooth and drinkable. Surely, I wouldn't have to wait that long, thought I. After 3 months, I tried some. I know that it was three distinct flavors that happened at different times. First the sweet hit the tongue, then some alcohol went up the nose, followed by a bitter finish going down the throat. The aftertaste was pleasant enough. I tried another sip with the same result. After 6 months, these had blended into one flavor, but were a bit rough. I finally kegged after 15 months.
As for the brew, I call it so-so. In retrospect, I think I had it sitting on yeast too long and it has some off flavors from that. 3-4 bottles of this still exist, but I may dump them. The beer is too sweet for my tastes. I need a hoppy pale ale to mix it to drinkable for me.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Brew #14: California Common Beer
Racked into secondary 3-25-2000.
Kegged 5-12-2000.
OG = 1.048@72F
FG = 1.003@78F
approximately 5.9% ABV.
Brew #13: Heller Bock
OG = 1.064@80F
FG = 1.008@75F
7.3% ABV
I kegged this one 9-25-2000. I have a note that the beer may have hit 100 degrees F. Mid-September I came back from a vacation to find that my AC went out and Austin had record temperatures. One day hit 112. Whee!
Meanwhile, this was in the closet nine months. I remember that the airlock still kept on bubbling once every 6-8 seconds that whole time.
Brew #12: Czech Pilsner
Brew #11: California Pale Ale
Brew #10: White Beer
Brewed 9-28-1999. Dumped everything from the boil into the primary. Nice vigorous yeast on this one. Vigorous enough to blow the lid and spray the inside of my beer closet.
I bought some bottles of some Belgian white beer to see what it was supposed to taste like. Came out well. The interesting thing about a White Beer is that the flavor hits the front of the tongue rather than in the back of the mouth. Must be the citrus flavors.
Brew #9: Czech Pilsner
Brewed on 9-5-1999, racked 9-13-1999.
Result wasn't quite as good as the first batch, but I did love it.
Brew #8: Red Ale
Brew #7: German Pilsner
As this one was in the keg, I bought a counter pressure bottle filler. This is so I can drink a keg down to the last gallon or gallon and a half, bottle up the last of it and get the next batch in to condition it. While I'm getting the carbonation right, I have the bottles to keep me sated.
Looking back, I think my brewing made decent beers, but only Batch #5 was a GREAT.
Brew #6: Peach Ale
Brew #5: Czech Pilsner
This brew was worth any previous ones and worth getting any number wrong. This brew was the stuff of legend. I drew a glass and would down it before I realized I had done so, leaving a craving that I wanted more. This is what the art of brewing - even homebrewing - is striving for. A beer so fresh, so tasty, so good, so absolutely amazing that you find you can't have enough. I drank most of this beer.
I saved one bottle. One bottle in my pantry. One bottle of a non-filtered homebrew being stored at room temperature with live yeast. 6 months later, I heard the sounds of glass breaking. I checked the windows in the house. None broken. Strange. My kitchen really smells like beer. Strange.
Four days later, I finally opened my pantry to find the exploded bottle of my Czech Pilsner. What a mess!
Lesson: Homebrewed beer must be enjoyed or stored cold!
Brew #4: Scotch Ale
One bottle of this mistake still exists - ready for inclusion into the ED beer hall of infamy.
Brew #3: German Pilsner
Result: so-so beer. At least I don't subject too many other people to it. I least I think I didn't.
I still have one of these bottles in my pantry. Good bit of sediment at the bottom.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Brew #2: Hefe-Weizen
Lesson learned: Clean the caps too!!!!
First Brew: English Pale Ale
In July of 1998, I finally took the plunge. I became a homebrewer. First up to bat: an English Pale Ale modeled after Bass Ale. Brewed in July, racked in a week, bottled the following week, tapped the first bottle within 3 weeks of brew date. Every bottle was flat, but every bottle was enjoyed. All but one. One bottle of that first batch remains.
What a start.