Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Brew #71: AHS Our Special Holiday Ale

The first batch that I did turned out to taste too good. I know I'd better get another batch going to have some for Christmas or New Year's.

The first batch was better when it was warm and flat. This one tasted just a bit more bitter right off. Maybe a bit more age will round that out. This one will be served at a holiday party on Dec. 15.

Brewed: 10-07-2007
Racked: 10-24-2007
Kegged: 11-17-2007



VACATION! Sept 14-29, 2007

Whee! I get to go on vacation! First I jet over to D.C. and visit family. My aunt is having a party for her 80th. After a couple of days, I head over to Germany with my sister. The plan: land in Munich, get to the BMW factory and pick up my brand new car. I get to drive it until the 28th. BMW - Beer Maker Wagon.

Picked it up with 3 miles on the odometer. I went from Munich up to Copenhagen, then down to Stuttgart, over to Nurnberg, dropped off the car near Munich with 2012 miles on it then hit Oktoberfest and flew home. Not bad for 9 days.

I didn't have much for beer adventures on the trip. I had a very nice Andechs Dunkel Doppelbock in Munich, a "Potsdamer" by Rendsberg on the northern border (it's the local Pils with some raspberry flavoring added), then pretty much just local Pils or Dunkels. I got a liter of the Augustiner at Oktoberfest. Fun times!

Now I wait for my car to get shipped. I have to wait 6 weeks since I dropped it off and all I have is the souvenir front plate and one of the keys to show that I own a car.

Happily, all of my beer pulled through my two week absence. I've carbonated the Holiday Spiced Ale and taken it to a small party. One woman said it was the best beer she ever had. I happen to think that it has aged well enough to mellow out some of the spices and it is very drinkable. Good enough that I'd better make another batch if I want to have some through Christmas.

Brew #70: Summit IPA

I read about the Summit hops and how they give off orange and tangerine flavors. It had me intrigued. At least I'll get a taste of them in this brew.

Brewed: 08-14-2007
Racked: 09-13-2007
Kegged: 11-17-2007



Brew #69: Double Chocolate Stout

My last batch was split in twain for experiments. One half became a Midnight Chocolate Bar Stout that had two type of Scharfenberger chocolates and raspberry extract. Once it got carbonated I was instantly sad with the knowledge that I only had 2.5 gallons of this ambrosia. Before that was gone, I knew I wanted a full batch by Thanksgiving/Christmas. This one I plan on pushing with Nitrogen. I like nice things and I've got the deluxe regulator on order, $110 for the reg, another $100 for the tank, and some extra to get a three way manifold so that I can have a few stouts if needed.
I did buy an 80 cubic foot tank for the beergas. It requires a high pressure (25-30 psi) and a restrictor faucet. Still working on getting the pressure right. Lately, I get pure foam. You get to watch the cascade for a while before you drink.

Brewed: 09-04-2007
Racked: 09-11-2007
Kegged: 10-18-2007



Brew #68: Ayinger EDtoberfest

This is the AHS Ayinger Oktoberfest clone recipe. I'd been drinking a few of these for "inspiration" when I brewed the Scotch Ale. I loved the taste so much, I have to see if I can come close. Then I'll have 5 gallons of this oh-so-yummy beverage.
Update: It's got that malty taste, just not quite as much as the original. The flavor may still come out better with a bit more carbonation.

Brewed: 08-22-2007
Racked: 08-30-2007
Kegged: 10-08-2007

