Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Brew #69: Double Chocolate Stout

My last batch was split in twain for experiments. One half became a Midnight Chocolate Bar Stout that had two type of Scharfenberger chocolates and raspberry extract. Once it got carbonated I was instantly sad with the knowledge that I only had 2.5 gallons of this ambrosia. Before that was gone, I knew I wanted a full batch by Thanksgiving/Christmas. This one I plan on pushing with Nitrogen. I like nice things and I've got the deluxe regulator on order, $110 for the reg, another $100 for the tank, and some extra to get a three way manifold so that I can have a few stouts if needed.
I did buy an 80 cubic foot tank for the beergas. It requires a high pressure (25-30 psi) and a restrictor faucet. Still working on getting the pressure right. Lately, I get pure foam. You get to watch the cascade for a while before you drink.

Brewed: 09-04-2007
Racked: 09-11-2007
Kegged: 10-18-2007



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