Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Brew #39: Ed's Red #1

After making beers only from recipes, I have finally stepped off into uncharted territory. I like red ales, Pilsner Urquell (Saaz hops), and Steam beer styles. So this one has the grain bill from an American Red, Saaz Premiant for bittering, Hallertau for flavoring, Saaz Trschitz for aromatic and dry hop. The Saaz hops have a very mellow flavor. This reminded me of a Belgian. It had some fruity notes to it. Easily drinkable as a session beer.

Brewed: 07-22-2006
Racked: 07-30-2006 (w/ 1 oz. Trschitz Saaz dry-hopped)
Racked: 08-25-2006
Kegged: 09-14-2006



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