Saturday, April 14, 2007

First Brew: English Pale Ale

Way back when in 1998, I had a roommate that started making homemade wine. I helped. Most of the equipment is the same that you can use for beer. In fact, most of the process can be applied to handling beer once it is brewed. Add that to the fact that I had been pumping an associate at work for beer knowledge (PUG is a mead GOD!!! and not bad on beer brewing either).

In July of 1998, I finally took the plunge. I became a homebrewer. First up to bat: an English Pale Ale modeled after Bass Ale. Brewed in July, racked in a week, bottled the following week, tapped the first bottle within 3 weeks of brew date. Every bottle was flat, but every bottle was enjoyed. All but one. One bottle of that first batch remains.

What a start.

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