Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brew #86: Prince of Orange Pale

Here I get an APA or IPA out of an English Pale Ale. I dry hop it with 1/2 ounce of Summit. Any of the orange profile is from those hops. This is my second batch to use up the other 1/2 ounce of Summit and because the first batch tasted so good.

I had to substitute Glacier for the Fuggle that the recipe calls for. Yay for the Bluebonnet Brew-Off and winning lots of Glacier in the raffle!

As I racked this off of the dry-hops, I took a taste. I'm not getting as potent an orange flavor. It's still a nice bitter though. Perhaps the aromas and flavors will pronounce more when cold and carbonated.

This one was kegged two days before a party and quick carbonated. It was a very refreshing in the 98+ degree heat and we went through 3 gals. I've been able to draw a few bottles off for entry into the ZEALOTS Inquisition, the Cerveza Fest in San Antonio and perhaps the last three will make it to the Dixie Cup in October.

Brewed: 04-08-2008
Racked: 04-25-2008 (w/0.5 oz. Summit)
Racked: 05-24-2008
Kegged: 06-29-2008

FG=1.0??@??F Doh! Didn't take a final gravity reading.


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