Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brew #85: Extra Simcoe Bitter

Take an ESB, dry hop it with Simcoe for a week. The first time I made it I got an aroma that was Fruit Loops. Trying for that again.

I took a taste just a couple days ago and the aroma wasn't quite the Fruit Loops but it was pleasant and the taste was great. Can't wait to get some room and get it in the kegerator!

I've been reminded of pineapple in the aroma. Other people have said Tooty-Fruity gum. It's a fun one to smell and taste.

Brewed: 03-18-2008
Racked: 04-04-2008 (w/1 oz. Simcoe)
Racked: 04-10-2008
Kegged: 05-09-2008



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