Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Brew #77: British Pale Ale

The AHS British Pale Ale is near a Bass Ale. I've brewed this using the late addition for the extract to keep the stuff from carmelizing on the bottom of the brew pot. It works well - there was hardly anything there at cleanup. I'm also going to dry hop with 1/2 ounce of Summit. I'm trying to pull the orange/tangerine flavors out of those hops.

This has a flavor like an IPA. The Summits give it a nice hoppy flavor, but it still hasn't dinged "tangerine" on my palate. It is pleasant whatever the case. Still, that was warm and flat. It is in the fridge now and ready for force carbonation. I have dubbed this one "Prince of Orange Pale".

Brewed: 01-21-2008
Racked: 02-05-2008 (dry-hopped w/ .5 oz. Summit)
Racked: 02-16-2008
Kegged: 02-26-2008



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