Sunday, February 17, 2008

Black Star: I finally attended a Social

I joined the Black Star Co-op months ago, but online. I knew I was going to join for about a year but I just never made any of the socials. I was perusing their website and they had Pay with PayPal. Well, I had a PayPal account so a few minutes later I was done.

I heard that they had a homebrewer's corner starting on this social. I'm all about getting rid of some of my beer. I brought four growlers but only served three. I served Vroom-Vroom TurboKitty (an Abita Turbodog clone), my Spiced Holiday Ale, and my Bavarian Doppelbock. I had a growler of my Bohemian Red along, but this beer is a rarity. I might not be able to make it for a year or so. I want to savor it properly. I think that the Saaz Sladek was still in supply. I may try to use it all through and see how it comes out.

I had some of the Black Star Vulcan. It's made with rye. Nice flavor.

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