Friday, February 8, 2008

20080208 - The tally from last year

2007 was a pretty gung-ho brewing year for me. I've been brewing quite a bit and also purchasing some new equipment. I was wondering just how much I spent on brewing and brewing equipment. So here's the tally:

01/29/2007 65.53
02/12/2007 36.01
02/20/2007 43.63
03/12/2007 40.69
04/02/2007 73.63
04/16/2007 47.90
04/24/2007 60.97
05/07/2007 251.94
05/11/2007 44.64
06/18/2007 120.06
07/06/2007 94.34
07/13/2007 36.51
07/16/2007 15.64
07/23/2007 66.87
08/03/2007 38.46
08/13/2007 37.53
08/20/2007 43.30
09/04/2007 54.69
09/08/2007 43.31
10/09/2007 33.69
10/12/2007 453.45
10/15/2007 -108.24
10/15/2007 66.80
10/19/2007 205.30 *Praxair
10/27/2007 76.29
11/05/2007 33.43
11/19/2007 42.69
11/24/2007 9.73
11/30/2007 31.19
12/17/2007 274.00
12/24/2007 38.89
TOTAL $2372.87

With that total I made 150 gallons of beer. I think I had one or two gift certificates that saved just a touch and I know that one batch was commissioned by a friend (he paid for the recipe). About $1000 was for equipment that I can use the rest of my life - I got another CO2 tank and a beergas system.

Simple math of 8 pints per gallon gives 1200 pints and $1372.87 in recipe costs so my beer is costing $1.14 per pint? Hmm. Premier beer - it's worth it!


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