Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Brew #74: Double Chocolate Stout

They didn't have the Chocolate Malt so I substituted Chocolate Wheat Malt. It is supposed to give the finished beer a touch extra body. This will get the full bar of chocolate again and the 4 oz. of raspberry extract. When melting the chocolate, I plan on refrigerating it. Hopefully the oils will go to the top and harden so I can scrape them off. Then I may have better head retention. Still, I like the flavor. The head retention is only a small item compared to that. What's interesting is that the recipe now calls for the cocoa powder to be added for the last 15 minutes of the boil. A previous one added it only at kegging time.

I tried my plan of melting the chocolate and refrigerating it. Oils didn't separate like I wanted. Maybe I didn't put enough liquid in. Oh well, I liked the last one, so I went ahead with kegging it. I took some to the ZEALOTS meeting on the 10th and the raspberry was still potent. I drew off the one growler and then switched it over to beergas.

At a party on the 15th, the pour was giving a nice thick head, but it would dissipate quickly. Those darned oils. After drinking it, your glass would be lined with chocolate residue. It's still a fun beer.

Brewed: 11-06-2007
Racked: 11-30-2007
Kegged: 02-08-2008



1 comment:

Alexandre said...

The cocoa powder might be an efficient way to get rid of the oils. That's what the master brewer at a British brewpub in Montreal was telling us. His first batch, he had put actual chocolate in the kettle... ;-)