Sunday, January 18, 2009

20090115: Root Beer!

I have my sepcial keg for holding my homemade root beer. I call it home made, but is really easy when you take some extract that is already made and add it to 4 gals water with 8 cups sugar. My tweak is that I buy the Root Beer Extract and the Birch Root Beer extract and mix them half and half. For this round I took 17.5 quarts RO water, 2 cups light brown sugar, 6 cups white sugar, and the extract. All the water was boiled at least 15 minutes to try to drive any oxygen out and to make sure that the sugars got dissolved properly. Slap that into the kegerator and force carbonate to about 2.5 volumes.

When it was boiled, you could really smell the birch extract. That stuff is the "ZING!" flavor that Barq's has. It mellowed nicely in the keg though - YUMMY!

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