Wednesday, March 19, 2008

20080319: Double Rack Night

TurboKitty and Double Chocolate into kegs. Only room for one keg in the fridge, but I moved the keg with the Vanguard Red and that thing is so light I doubt that there is a growler left. I'm going to go try to get a growler worth out and drink the rest once I get done typing. It will make room for the Midnight Chocolate Bar Stout. I should be able to get both carbonated for the Black Star social this weekend. I'll bring 4-5 growlers of beer to it and man the Homebrewer's Corner again. I'll have to pick another keg of beer to bring to the Bluebonnet in a week and a couple days. I promised to bring the Red, but it's done and its replacement was just brewed last night.

Chocolate Stout is tasting nice! Raspberries are a bit zingy right now, but that will smooth out in a week or two. This should be nicely charged on beergas for the Bluebonnet too.


Brew #83: Vanguard Red Ale

This is AHS's American Red Ale recipe with Vanguard hops instead of the original Cascade. On this last attempt, they've substituted Amarillo on the recipe, but I'm trying to recreate my earlier Red. This is one that is very popular with folks that aren't hop-heads.

Brewed: 03-18-2008
Racked: 03-26-2008
Kegged: 04-11-2008



Brew #82: Belgian Summer Saison

It's March in Texas. It's very nearly summertime. Time to get a nice recipe for drinking. The lemon zest grabs your taste buds first, giving a nice refreshing flavor. Then you get the body and ale yeast finish. The recipe calls for 2 ounces of Hallertau and I normally like Hersbrucker instead. Yes, Hersbrucker is a Hallertau cousin. Both of those hops weren't around so I'm trying Vanguard. I added one ounce at the beginning of the boil and the second ounce 15 minutes into the boil. I grind the seeds of paradise rather than crushing them.

I think the Vanguard hops give this one a touch of a zing. I really like the Hersbrucker with this recipe. They just seem smoother.

Brewed: 03-05-2008
Racked: 03-12-2008
Kegged: 04-25-2008



Root Beer!

I make my own root beer too! It's the easiest thing. AHS has two types of root beer extracts, one is normal root beer extract and one is a birch root beer extract. That birch one has that ZING!, that bite you taste in Barq's. I mix the two extracts half and half.

one bottle of extract (half root beer, half birch root beer)
3 cups turbinado cane sugar
3 1/2 cups sugar
15 qts water

bring 5 qts to boil, add sugars to ensure that they dissolve well. Cool it down. Add extract, sugar water, and the rest of the water into a keg. Purge the airspace with CO2. Refridgerate and force carbonate. Bingo! Root beer.

My usual sugar recipe was 2 cups brown sugar, and 5 1/2 cups sugar. It had a creamy quality. This is my first try with the turbinado sugar. Still pretty good.